2024 Meetings

Eric Oszustowicz

Friday, February 16, 2024

A northbound
  • C
train is stopped at the 145th Street lower-level station on its way to Bedford Park Boulevard on January 20th, 1986. R10 car #3203 is leading the eight-car train.
Photo by Eric Oszustowicz

The February program will be presented by Eric Oszustowicz. His program will be comprised of high-definition videos and still images.

Eric will begin with videos taken in 2023 in the New York City area in addition to various locations around the country. Spectacular views of the Cumbres & Toltec steam railway and the BNSF Railway’s transcontinental line in New Mexico are included. Various freight railroads will also be shown in addition to footage of Chicago’s commuter system. Various scenes in Boston, including the 2022 farewell to the trackless system fantrip, will be shown.

The videos will be followed by still images. Behind the scenes views of the New York subway system are on the agenda in addition to rail related photographs from around the country.

You will want to stay for the end of the presentation. Eric will preview some of his vintage photographs taken during the 1980s. Finally, at the very end, a preview of Volume 3 of the “Elevated Railways of Brooklyn” will be shown. This will include Kodachrome’s of Standards, D-Types and other long-gone equipment operating in regular service.

Eric’s presentations typically run three to four hours, so get a comfortable chair and enjoy the show.

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