San Francisco’s F-Line by Peter Ehrlich chronicles streetcar operations from 1860 to 1982, planning for a permanent line, the Trolley Festivals of the 1980s, construction of the F-Line and its opening in 1995, extension to the Wharf and expansion plans, an overview of other historic and modern streetcars in America, and much, much more!
This is the new fourth edition of San Francisco’s F-Line, published in October 2019. It incorporates updates and changes since the book’s original publication in October 2012, and the third edition in April 2014.
Our friends at the Central Electric Railfans’ Association (CERA) are making San Francisco’s F-Line available for a special one-time, non-member price of only $45 with free shipping. Just use the Order Now button below and enter the promo code “ERA ZOOM” upon checkout.
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