Beautiful snow scene near Freimersheim, Germany.
Our February meeting will be presented by Eric Oszustowicz and will be quite unusual. This slideshow will be part one of a three-part program. Parts two and three will be shown at future meetings.
2014 marks the 30th year that Eric has been taking photographs and during 2013 Eric shot his 200,000th image. We will be seeing approximately 450 of these images, taken from 1984 to the present. Slide selection will be based first on aesthetic quality or unusual nature, then on location.
During the three programs, we will see images from all 50 U.S. states, 11 Canadian provinces, and seven continents including about 60 foreign countries. The vast majority will of course be of light rail, subway, commuter rail, intercity rail (passenger and freight), trolley coach, and other forms of transportation. Winter snow and fall foliage scenes will be among specialized groups to be shown. The remainder will be presented in an amusing alphabetical order based on locations around the world. Many views around the New York metropolitan area will be included.
This presentation will probably include the widest range of subjects of any meeting to date, so there will be something for everyone. Please join us at the Roosevelt Hotel this February for an entertaining evening during which you will literally see much the world.