Hoosier Traction Meet

Normal, Illinois | August 25-26, 2023

The 40th Annual North American Transit Historical Society (NATHS) Hoosier Traction Meet will be held on Friday-Saturday, August 25-26, in Normal, Illinois at the Holiday Inn Bloomington-Normal. Convention exhibitors will offer items related to mass transportation such as photos, books, models, timetables and other collectibles. Attendees can visit the exhibition for free. There will also be 10 different audio-visual presentations featuring live narration and photos or maps. Convention admission for both days is $80 in advance, or $45 for one day (at the door prices are $5 higher).


Call the Holiday Inn for reservations at 309-862-0101. The room rate is $149 plus tax. A schedule of events, registration, optional Connect Transit bus garage tour, etc. is available for downloading. Note that the cutoff date for rooms was July 25, so you may need to make other arrangements.

Order Form

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