KT4D-type trams.
Wikipedia photo by Ivók Aurél (January 1, 2000)
Our April program will be a slideshow by Jeff Erlitz (#3997) of the ERA’s sixth International Tour in 2000. The ERA visited all four of Hungary’s tramway systems (Budapest, Debrecen, Szeged and Miskolc) as well as both tramway operations in Slovakia (Kosice and Bratislava).
Jeff will present slides of our visit to the tram system in Budapest as well as the interurban system (including the tram museum in Szentendre), the subway museum, a ride on the historic 1896 subway car, and the subway shops. Also featured will be Miskolc and Kosice, cities which have systems small enough that we were able to visit both in the same day, while Debrecen and Szeged are not large systems but were far enough apart to require their own day trips.
Come join us for another of Jeff’s fascinating retrospectives.
We will have a short business session before the start of the program to discuss matters related to the ERA. If you have anything you wish to bring up, this is the time to do so.