The presenter of our December show is ERA Program Chairman Andrew Grahl. Andrew will switch gears from showing slides to present this show digitally on Zoom. His show will consist of the following traction topics:
Andrew’s prior programs were generally year-in-review snapshots. Being that 2020 was so different, Andrew will roll back the clock to a more normal time when we could spend the holiday season with our friends, and he will present a special selection of group photos taken during ERA fantrips. Since our Zoom audience comes from the entire country and around the world, Andrew will show historic traction photos from a wide variety of locations so viewers will be sure to see photos of places near their homes.
This program will be a joint two-part presentation with the New York Railroad Enthusiasts. Tonight’s presentation, consisting of mostly traction subjects, will be Part 1. Andrew will present Part 2 to the NYRRE on January 22, 2021 when mostly railroad subjects will be covered. ERA members are welcome to join the NYRRE show by visiting the New York Railroad Enthusiasts website on that date for a Zoom invitation.
Please join us for the final presentation of 2020 and enjoy a heartwarming slideshow of current and historical traction subjects!